One-to-One Email Policies
Why It Matters
To help you stay compliant with local GDPR, CAN-SPAM, and CASL laws, it is beneficial to include an unsubscribe link in all one-to-one email communications.

Doing so can often lead to increased deliverability as it allows recipients to opt out of receiving communications from you.
Add the Unsubscribe Link
When you turn on data privacy settings in HubSpot, an unsubscribe link will be applied automatically to all users by default. 

This can, however, be overriden by an individual user. Meaning a user can remove the unsubscribe link from their one-to-one email communications.

You also have the option to turn on the unsubscribe link without turning data privacy settings on for the entire account.

To turn on the unsubscribe link:
1. Navigate to the Settings gear in the top right navigation menu
2. In the left-hand menu, click General
3. Click into the Email tab
4. Scroll down to the Configure section
5. Check the box to add the unsubscribe link

unsubscribe link sales emails

Going forward, the unsubscribe link will be included in any Sales and Sequence emails sent from HubSpot.

Please Note:
  • The unsubscribe link will NOT be added to emails sent from Gmail or Outlook, even if you have the Sales extension installed. 
What Happens When a Contact Clicks Unsubscribe?
When a contact clicks the unsubscribe link, they will be able to update their personal subscription settings by unchecking specific subscription types, or choosing to unsubscribe from all communications. Here is an example of the page they might see:

example subscription preference sales email link

Please note:
This subscription page is also accessible from any HubSpot marketing emails sent out. Make sure marketing, sales, and customer service work together to determine the appropriate options to include for contacts to opt into.