Monitor Spam Reports
Why It Matters
Monitoring spam reports on your marketing emails and adjusting your sending behavior accordingly will help you maintain a good email sending reputation with email providers.

Senders with spam complaints consistently averaging 0.3% or more will experience performance issues such as delays, spam foldering, or bounces if not addressed promptly and effectively.

You should aim to maintain spam complaint levels at 0.1% or less to ensure emails are successfully delivered to your contact's inboxes.

HubSpot's Email Health Tool
HubSpot's email health tool allows you to review current and historical data points related to your email sending reputation. Metrics include overall open rate, click-through rate, unsubscribe rate, spam reports, and hard bounce rate. This tool can also provide recommendations to improve deliverability and email performance.

Please note the following when reviewing the data:
  • You must have sent at least 400 emails in the last 30 days to see the dashboard
  • Health reports and engagement breakdowns to NOT include the last 48 hours of data
  • If you utilize transactional emails, the dashboard WILL include performance of transactional emails sent
To view the data:
  1. Navigate to the Marketing tab
  2. Click into Email
  3. Click into the Health tab in the top left

Your health data will be split into several reports to show you current health, historical trends, and an aggregate of email metrics to track.

The data collected is summarized by an overall Health Score, which is based on an aggregation of the engagement metrics. Here is the scoring breakdown:
  • Score of 1-2 = Poor
  • Score of 3-4 = Needs Work
  • Score of 5-6 = Okay
  • Score of 7-8 = Good
  • Score of 8 = Very Good
  • Score of 9-10 = Excellent
email health aggregate metrics with spam reports

Based on recent engagement history with emails sent, HubSpot will provide top recommendations to help you prioritize efforts to iterate on in your email sending strategy.

Additionally, your best and worst performing emails will be displayed at the bottom of the dashboard, along with their corresponding metrics. Use this report to help you identify emails that are aiding in increasing your health score so you can utilize those strategies more, as well as identify which emails are hurting your sending reputation so you can make prompt and effective improvements to those campaigns.

top recommendations and high and low performing emails
How to Monitor Gmail
The good news - Yahoo spam complains are accounted for in HubSpot under Spam reports for each email you send.

However - Gmail spam complaints are NOT tracked in HubSpot. This is due to Gmail using a unique feedback loop program designed to protect user privacy by generating aggregated reports by sender or campaign. To monitor Gmail spam complaints, you should instead enroll in Google Postmaster Tools (GPT).

GPT will provide a snapshot of your sending performance with Gmail specifically. Including spam rates, your domain reputation, delivery errors, and more. 

Because this is an external program managed outside of HubSpot, please visit the Gmail Help Center for additional assistance and troubleshooting.